Professional EBCDIC Conversion

Hire us to convert your data to ASCII and more

Hire us to translate your EBCDIC files, tapes and cartridges into ASCII or almost any format, like Hex. We’ll arrange to have you send us your data securely via encrypted email, secure ftp or snail mail.

Contact Us 

vEdit lets you edit EBCDIC data files and convert them to other formats, like binary (hex) or ASCII.

How It Works
Secure Professional EBCDIC Conversion

We perform EBCDIC conversions and tape transfers in a secure facility. The computers used to perform the transfer are not connected to the Internet or the company network. Access to the room is restricted. We also perform confidential EBCDIC tape conversions there for customers.

vEdit Advanced Search and Replace includes pattern matching and regular expressions

Fast and Confidential

We can finish many conversion jobs in a day or two. Longer and more complex jobs may require more time.

We keep customer files and other sensitive information confidential and restrict access to that as well. We are also happy to sign our Confidentiality and Indemnity Agreement if you need it. Please contact us if you have any questions.